Make a payment or enquiry online

We aim to make accessing our services as easy and convenient as possible. Our eServices portal can be used to apply for, pay and request a range of Council services.

Make an online payment using eServices

If you wish to report an issue to us, please lodge a request through our 'Request a service or Report a local Issue' webpage. Once you have submitted your request, you will receive a request number to track your enquiry.

Come and see us

Our administration centre is open Monday to Friday between 8:30am and 4:30pm and is located at

Shellharbour Civic Centre,
Dharawal Country,
76 Cygnet Avenue (Cnr Cygnet and College Avenue),
Shellharbour City Centre, NSW.

Shellharbour Civic Centre has free undercover parking off Cygnet Avenue with elevator access and accessible parking.

Call or email us

Call us on  (02) 4221 6111 or send us an email at

If you are deaf, hard of hearing, or have a speech communication difficulty:
1. Contact us through the National Relay Service.
2. Provide the Shellharbour City Council number 02 4221 6111

Send us a letter

Please send all correspondence to:

The Chief Executive Officer
Shellharbour City Council,
Dharawal Country,
Locked Bag 155
Shellharbour City Centre NSW 2529

Justice of the Peace JP

Justice of the Peace services are available by appointment to witness oaths, signatures, statutory declarations and certify documents  (affidavits not included) at Shellharbour Civic Centre, Monday to Friday between 9am - 11.30am. This service is available via booking only.

Book your appointment here.

    Last updated : Mon 9 Dec 2024