As of 31 December 2020, Development Applications, Construction Certificates, Subdivision Certificates, Occupation Certificates and Complying Development Certificates must be submitted to Council through the NSW Planning Portal.
We are processing a higher than usual number of Development Applications, this has caused some delays in our processing and assessing times. Please check the planning portal for regular updates on your application.
1. Pre-lodgement
If you have a complex development proposal including:
• multi dwelling housing
• residential flat buildings
• proposals that trigger a Design Review Panel meeting
• significant commercial or industrial development or
• a site with complex development constraints
You may wish to organise a pre-lodgement meeting with us. The purpose of this meeting is to provide you with advice so that your application can be prepared in a way that enables both a timely assessment and positive outcome. This meeting is your opportunity to explain your proposal and discuss any potential issues. It may be necessary for our officers to undertake further research so that notes can be prepared for you. If you would like to know the current timeframes and availability for this service please contact the Applications Team on 4221 6111.
For smaller scale developments such as single dwellings, ancillary development or dual occupancies you are welcome to prepare an application complying with the relevant development controls and lodge through the NSW Planning Portal for assessment.
2. Preparing your supporting documents
The supporting documents, reports and plans that you will need to attach to your DA will depend on your proposal and will be discussed at your pre-lodgement meeting.
3. Lodge your proposal
Once you have all your supporting documents ready, you can lodge your Development Application online using NSW Planning Portal.
The NSW Government Department of Planning, Industry and Environment has created a guide to walk you through the registration and lodgement process on the Planning Portal.
To submit an application through the NSW Planning Portal, first you will need to register and then verify your account. If you have already created an account, simply login to get started.
If your application is incomplete and we require additional information, you will receive details on what is required via email notification.
Once Council has reviewed your application and is satisfied that all relevant documentation has been submitted, you will receive an email notification requesting fees to be paid.
Require Assistance with Submitting your application?
- NSW Planning Portal Quick Reference Guides
- NSW Planning Portal Frequently Asked Questions
- NSW Planning Portal Technical Issues can be referred to Service NSW by either emailing or calling 1300 305 695.
- Council’s Senior Customer Service Team can assist over the phone or at the Civic Centre Monday-Friday 8.30am-4.30pm
4. Assessment process
Under the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act, all DAs must be formally assessed by us. This means that the site must be inspected, applicants and neighbours engaged, reports drafted and recommendations made.
5. Determination
The applicant will receive a Notice of Determination via the NSW Planning Portal detailing the outcome of your application.
The Notice of Determination will set out the terms of the development consent, conditions, or in the case of a refusal, the reasons for refusal.
If your DA is refused or granted with unacceptable conditions, you may:
- Request a review of your DA
- Commence an appeal to the Land and Environment Court
- Modify your development application
For further information contact us on 4221 6111.
6. Track a DA
You can track the status of any application we are assessing, whether you are the applicant or not.
You can track the process of your DA online by entering the DA number, address, lot number or date lodged.
Applications can also be tracked via the NSW Government Department of Planning, Industry and Environment Application Tracking Service by browsing the map or by selecting ‘Shellharbour City Council’ from the drop-down menu.
7. Obtain a Construction Certificate
Once your DA is approved, there are still a few things you need to do before you can begin building:
- Apply for a Construction Certificate by completing via NSW Planning Portal
- Appoint a Principal Certifying Authority (PCA). You must appoint a certifier for your development. The certifier will supervise the works on your site and will issue the final approvals. You can appoint us to be your certifier or can appoint an accredited certifier.
- Give us notice. You must give us and your PCA two days notice before work commences.
- Contract for Certification Work