Be part of building a sustainable, healthy future for Shellharbour
We’re committed to working with you to create a safe and sustainable future for Shellharbour. Council has committed to reach net zero community emissions by 2050.
One of the key ways we can all reach this goal is through electrification and making sustainability a part of our lives. By switching to an all-electric home, you can prepare for a clean energy future that is cheaper, safer and healthier. You don’t have to be all-electric all at once. Make a Go Electric plan today so you’re prepared with the best options for when your appliances need replacing.
We're offering multiple rebates to help homeowners and landlords make upgrades to their homes through our Sustainability Rebates Program.
Together, our small actions, make a big difference.
Five ways to electrify your home
More energy saving and sustainability tips
Energy efficiency
The cheapest power you will have, is the power you never use! Reducing your energy consumption is not only good for your hip pocket but also a great way to reduce emissions. You’ll find some great resources for energy efficiency below.
Sustainable food and growing locally
Making sustainable food choices is a really important way to make positive environmental impact. We’re an active member of Food Fairness Illawarra, a community coalition that works together to make healthy and sustainable food affordable and accessible for all. The Food Fairness Illawarra website has a fantastic range of local resources to help you shop local, grow your own food and minimise waste.
Check out our Grow Local Illawarra Edible Garden for ideas and inspiration about growing food at home in the Illawarra. For tips on growing local native plants in urban and rural gardens in the Illawarra, check out our Grow Local Illawarra Native Garden Guide. If you're planning a garden, check out our plant nursery for locally grown and native plants.
Backyard chook keeping
Keeping chickens is a great way to recycle your food scraps into fresh, nutritious eggs. They're also a wonderful way for kids to learn about where eggs come from and to help us appreciate the need for ethical and sustainable food production.
Guidelines for backyard chook keeping in Shellharbour are set by the NSW Government. Requirements listed under the Local Government Act for the keeping of poultry are enforceable with an order from Council. You do not need permission from Council for a poultry house if you follow requirements of the NSW State Planning Policy State Environmental Planning Policy (Exempt and Complying Development Codes) 2008.
Like yourself, many Shellharbour residents are actively looking to reduce their household water consumption and save one of our most precious resources – water. Visit Sydney Water for helpful tips on saving water at home and using water wisely.
Greywater is re-usable wastewater from washing machines, showers, baths and basins. If managed correctly, greywater can be a valuable additional water source for your garden. For information about the regulations of greywater use see Sydney Water.