Council is committed to improving the development application process and ensuring that the designs for future buildings contribute positively to the urban form and function of the City.
The Panel has been formed to provide independent advice to Council about the architectural quality of new developments in the City. The Panel performs an advisory function only and does not make decisions on Development Applications.
What developments are referred to the Panel?
The following types of development will be referred to the Panel for review:
• Applications made under SEPP 65 (mandated by State Environmental Planning Policy No. 65 – Design Quality of Residential Apartment Development).
• Vertical developments with three (3) or more storeys within Town Centres and Village and Neighbourhood Centres.
• Multi-dwelling applications with a yield of 20 dwellings or more.
• Senior Living Developments.
• Non-residential developments with a cost of development value of $3MIL or greater.
• Planning Proposals that aim to deliver increased height and density within existing urban areas with a determined built form outcome.
• Draft land use policy with design provisions
Council may also refer other developments proposals considered complex or contentious nature which may benefit from Panel input.
What is the review process?
The DRP is an advisory service and its role is to provide independent, expert advice on the design quality of development proposals through the promotion of best practice in urban design and architecture.
The Panel’s advice does not imply that planning approval has or will be granted. The Panel does not have decision-making powers, its advice will be taken into consideration in the planning assessment.
The Panel design principles
The Panel generally provides advice with regard to the following design principles as well as the relevant design principles contained within the relevant Environmental PLanning Instrument and Development Control Plan:
• Context and character - development is suitable in the context of its surroundings, seeks to minimise impact on adjoining properties and responds to the existing or proposed character of the local area and streetscape;
• Heritage - development responds to heritage values, significant natural features and landmarks of the area;
• Built form and scale - design to be of massing, height, scale and form which respects the existing or future built form of the local area, streetscape and minimises impacts on neighbouring properties;
• Functionality - communal spaces, internal layouts and overall building design to be practical, adaptable, legible and functional and to maximise occupant utility and easily maintain, service and access the property;
• Amenity - development to provide high levels of amenity and accessibility for occupants, users and neighbouring properties;
• Build quality - demonstration of quality architectural design with strong rationale and attention to detail, and materials and finishes which complement the adjacent built form and natural elements;
• Urban design and public space - buildings and landscape to integrate effectively to positively contribute to high-quality urban design and public realm including enhancing views and vistas;
• Landscaping - landscaping to respond to the natural site conditions and existing streetscape to optimise usability, sunlight access, privacy and respect for neighbour's amenity and maximises the incorporation of sustainable principles such as water-wise planting;
• Safety - development appropriately contributes to the activation and safety of the public realm, optimising passive surveillance and provides public space interaction;
• Environmentally sustainable design - development to be resource efficient, climatically appropriate, designed to minimise environmental impacts and designed to operate efficiently over its lifespan
Panel Membership
The Panel will consist of a Panel Chairperson and have two other panel members. The Panel members will have a variety of expertise across; architecture, landscape architecture or urban design.
Panel members are selected via an expression of interest process and appointed based on selection criteria set out in the Policy.
The Panel members will be required to meet on an as needed basis.
All Panel members abide by Council’s Code of Conduct for Council Committee Members, Delegates of Council and Council advisors.
Applying for a Design Review Panel Process
All applicants must read the Shellharbour Design Review Advisory Review Panel Policy for an overview of the process and application requirements.
Design review offers applicants the chance to seek technical feedback and resolve complex issues to achieve the best possible design outcome.
Applicants are encouraged to seek DRP advice before lodging a Development Application for approval.
See related files:
After reading the policy, to apply to have your proposal reviewed by the panel, please complete the Application form.
Expression of interest for Panel members
Shellharbour City Council is committed to improving the development application process and ensuring that the designs for future buildings contribute positively to the urban form and function of the City.
We have undertaken a review of the current development assessment process and identified actions that will provide a more efficient and effective service, including the establishment of a Design Review Advisory Panel. The Shellharbour Design Review Advisory Panel Policy outlines the role of the panel, the process and types of proposals that will be heard by them, and how panel members will be selected.
Click here to read Shellharbour Design Review Advisory Panel Policy
Council is calling for expressions of interest for Panel members to join the Shellharbour Design Review Panel.
The DRP will meet on a as-needs basis to provide advice to Council on the design quality of certain development applications and planning proposals.
Panel members must be accredited and expertise in architecture, landscape architecture or urban design and preferably a current registration with their relevant professional body.
Panel members will be paid for attendance at each meeting.
If you are interested in applying for such a role please complete the following Expression of Interest Form. Please submit your Expression of Interest no later than 4pm, Friday 15 November 2019.
To find out more, contact Manager – Planning, on 02 4221 6111.