Our floodplain management program is carried out in accordance with the NSW Government’s Flood Risk Management Manual to create and implement floodplain risk management plans.

We receive financial and technical assistance from the NSW Government and direction from our floodplain management committees. These committees are made up of elected members of Council, Council staff with technical expertise, emergency management (SES), local infrastructure services, specialist consultants and members of the local community.

To request flood level information for your property please complete and return a flood level information request form. 

Floodplain map

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Shellharbour & Shell Cove

This study catchment area includes Shellharbour Village and Shell Cove.
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Rocklow Creek

The majority of this catchment is contained within the Shellharbour LGA, with some small areas of rural land within the Kiama LGA.
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Minnamurra River

The majority of this catchment is contained within the Kiama LGA, with some small areas of rural land within the Shellharbour LGA.
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Lake Illawarra, Mt Warrigal & Oak Flats

This catchment includes Mt Warrigal, Warilla, and Oak Flats, along with a small portion of Blackbutt and Shellharbour City Centre.
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Macquarie Rivulet

The catchment includes Albion Park, Yellow Rock, Calderwood, Croome, Albion Park Rail, Tongarra, Tullimbah, North Macquarie and Yallah.
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Horsley Creek

The Horsley Creek catchment is located on the southern side of Lake Illawarra and mainly includes Albion Park and Rail and part of Oak Flats.
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Elliott Lake - Little Lake

The Elliott Lake - Little Lake catchment includes the suburbs of Barrack Heights, Shellharbour, Flinders, Blackbutt, Mt Warrigal and Warilla.
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Lake Illawarra

Lake Illawarra is a shallow coastal lagoon located between the ocean and the cliffs of the Illawarra escarpment.
Last updated : Mon 5 Aug 2024