Useful contacts
Contact number | Website | Facebook page | |
All emergencies Police, fire and ambulance | 000 | | |
Text-based emergency call service | 106 | | |
NSW State Emergency Service (SES) | 132 500 | NSW SES | |
NSW Police Assistance Report non-life threatening crime | 131 444 | | NSW Police Force |
Live Traffic NSW Road closure updates | 131 700 | | Live Traffic NSW |
Endeavour Energy Power failure, power lines down | 131 003 | | |
Bureau of Meteorology | | Bureau of Meteorology | |
Sydney Water Water outages/faults | 132 090 | | Sydney Water |
Shellharbour Hospital | 4295 2500 | |
We are responsible for the maintenance of public areas such as parks, Council roads and Council owned buildings. Please call 4221 6111 for advice and assistance relating to storm and flood damage to public areas, roads and Council buildings.
Illawarra Local Emergency Management Committee
We are a member of the Illawarra Local Emergency Management Committee (LEMC) which covers the Kiama, Wollongong and Shellharbour local government areas. The committee is chaired by a senior representative from each Council on a 12-month rotational basis and meets approximately three times per year. Other members of the committee include the heads of the other local emergency service organisations such as NSW Police, Fire & Rescue NSW, Ambulance, the Rural Fire Service and State Emergency Service. Organisations that provide support services in functional areas such as transport or health services as determined by the councils will also be involved as necessary.
Emergency Management Plans
The aim of the Illawarra Emergency Management Plan is to detail emergency preparedness, response and recovery arrangements for the Illawarra Emergency Management Area and to ensure the coordinated response to emergencies. It also reflects arrangements agreed to at State level and detailed in the State Emergency Management Plan.
The aim of the NSW Statement Emergency Management Plan (EMPLAN) is to ensure a coordinated response by all agencies having responsibilities and functions in emergencies. EMPLAN:
- Identifies the combat agency primarily responsible for responding to the emergency and specifies the tasks to be performed by all agencies in the event of an emergency
- Provides for the coordination of the activities of other agencies in support of the combat agencies
- Specifies the responsibilities of the Minister and the State, Region, or Local Emergency Operations Controller
Emergency Management Fact Sheet for Tourism Operators in Shellharbour
This Fact Sheet has been developed by Tourism Shellharbour to provide basic information to raise individual emergency management knowledge regarding a natural disaster and provides details of the relevant agencies that offer support to the community.
Primary Producers Disaster Grant Assistance
Special Disaster Grants - NSW Severe Weather & Flooding February 2022 Onwards
The NSW and Australian Governments have announced additional assistance measures to support primary producers who have been impacted by the floods and severe weather that occurred from February 2022 onwards.
Assistance is now being provided to 45 local government areas in NSW through the jointly funded Commonwealth-State Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangements (DRFA). Primary producers recovering from the devastating impacts of floods are receiving vital support, with Special Disaster Grants of up to $75,000 now available.
Flood affected primary producers are encouraged to apply for Special Disaster Grants to access financial assistance to get back to operating as soon as possible.
Once approved, eligible primary producers can access $15,000 in assistance up-front, with a further $60,000 in financial assistance available thereafter upon submission of valid tax invoices.