What is the Shellharbour City Business Network?
The Shellharbour City Business Network (SCBN) is a service we provide for business owners operating in the Shellharbour Local Government Area (business owners from neighbouring areas are also welcome to join).
SCBN has partnered with the NSW government’s small business support which includes NSW Business Connect and the Business Concierge Service.
This is an exciting opportunity for Shellharbour businesses, with unprecedented support available at no cost, to help small businesses scale up and adapt to ever changing market conditions.
NSW Business Connect support also currently provides over 60 online support programs, webinars and learning opportunities which have the added advantage of being available at the time when small businesses need that individual program or tuition.
Additionally, NSW Business Connect provides one-on-one business support offered through the local concierge in Shellharbour that can be at your place of business or within meeting rooms at the Shellharbour Civic Centre.
SCBN provides regular email updates future workshops, forums etc which may be of assistance to local businesses.
There is no charge to join the SCBN or to access services from NSW Business Connect or Business Concierge Service.
For more information contact our Economic Development Unit on (02) 4221 6161, email shellharbourcity.economicdevelopment@shellharbour.nsw.gov.au or complete and return an online registration form or the PDF registration form, or call 4221 6111.
Who should join?
The business network is ideal for business owners who:
- Have recently started a business
- Plan to grow their business
- Wish to contribute to the expansion of the local business economy
- Need access to information and training opportunities from a variety of professional sources