Our committees and working parties meet to discuss a range of community issues and projects.

Helpful documents:

Aboriginal Advisory Committee

Mayor Chris Homer
Councillor Lou Stefanovski
Councillor Rob Petreski
Councillor Kane Murphy

Staff Attending
Executive Director Community and Culture
Executive Manager Community and Creative Services
Other staff as directed/required

Community Representatives
A total number of 6 community representatives.

Aboriginal Organisations (one non voting delegate)

Shellharbour Aboriginal Community Youth Association
Coomaditchie United Aboriginal Corporation
Gawura Corporation 
Illawarra Koori Men's Support Group
Illawarra Aboriginal Corporation
Illawarra Local Aboriginal Land Council
Illawarra Aboriginal Medical Services
Illawarra Aboriginal Educational Consultative Group
Gawura Corporation 

Every two months at the Civic Centre.

The purpose of the Shellharbour City Council’s Aboriginal Advisory Committee is to provide professional and strategic advice to Council on issues affecting Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People, and guidance in relation to the implementation of strategies to achieve the objectives of the:

  • Statement of Commitment 1997
  • Shellharbour City Community Strategic Plan 2022 – 2032
  • Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Cultural Protocols May 2020
  • Reflect Reconciliation Action Plan June 2023 – June 2024

The committee is run by Council to discuss a wide variety of issues and recommend solutions specifically relating to Local Government and the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community.

Audit Risk and Improvement Committee

Audit, Risk and Improvement Committee

Shellharbour City Council’s Audit, Risk and Improvement Committee (ARIC) was established in 2010 and currently consists of three independent members (one of whom is the Chair).

The Office of Local Government has confirmed that the Risk Management and Internal Audit for Local Government NSW Guidelines have been approved in draft form pending the official amendment to the Local Government Regulation 2021 in early 2023.

The Local Government Regulation requires a council’s audit, risk and improvement committee to operate according to terms of reference that are consistent with the approved Model Terms of Reference.

Council has completed its review of the draft OLG guidelines and the updated ARIC Terms of Reference was adopted by Council on the 18 April 2023.

In line with the OLG Guidelines, a key role of the ARIC is to act as an independent source of advice and opinion to both the Council and the Chief Executive Officer, and to act as a forum for the resolution of any disagreements between the council and internal audit function.

The ARIC is required to independently review and advise on the following aspects of the council’s operations in accordance with Section 428A of the Local Government ACT 1993:

  • compliance
  • financial management
  • risk management
  • fraud control
  • governance
  • service reviews
  • implementation of the strategic plan, delivery program and strategies
  • collection of performance measurement data by the council, and
  • any other matters prescribed by the regulation.


    Chief Executive Officer's Performance Review Panel

    Council Representatives
    Mayor Chris Homer
    Deputy Mayor Kellie Marsh
    Councillor Moira Hamilton (chosen by Council)
    Councillor John Davey (chosen by Council)

    Independent  Representatives
    External Facilitator (appointed as required) (non-voting)
    Independent Support Person (chosen by CEO) (non-voting)

    Four (4) times per year or as required at Shellharbour Civic Centre.

    The performance of the Chief Executive Officer must be reviewed at least annually against the agreed performance criteria for the position. Council may also choose to undertake more frequent interim reviews of the Chief Executive Officer’s performance.

    Council is to establish a performance review panel and delegate the task of performance reviews of the Chief Executive Officer to this panel. It is recommended by the Office of Local Government (guidelines) that the whole process of performance management be delegated to the performance review panel, including discussions about performance, any actions that should be taken and the determination of the new performance agreement.

    Performance review panels should comprise the mayor, the deputy mayor, another councillor nominated by council and a councillor nominated by the Chief Executive Officer. Panel members will be trained in the performance management of Chief Executive Officers.

    The role of the review panel includes:

    • conducting performance reviews
    • reporting the findings and recommendations of those reviews to council
    • development of the performance agreement.

    The council and the Chief Executive Officer may agree on the involvement of an external facilitator to assist with the process of performance appraisal and the development of new performance plans. This person should be selected by the council or the performance review panel. All councillors not on the panel can contribute to the process by providing feedback to the mayor on the Chief Executive Officer’s performance.

    All councillors will be notified of relevant dates in the performance review cycle and be kept advised of the panel’s findings and recommendations.

    CivicRisk Mutual Limited Board

    Council Representatives
    Mayor Chris Homer
    Chief Executive Officer 

    Independent Representatives
    Mayors and Chief Executive Officers / General Managers from the 24member councils as defined in the constitution and rules for the membership period.

    Meeting Convenor

    Staff Attendees (not board members)
    Staff representatives to be delegated by the Chief Executive Officer

    CivicRisk Mutual Limited - four (4) times per year

    To achieve and implement the objectives of CivicRisk Mutual Limited to ensure that members of the mutual have access to appropriate insurance coverage and associated services. To ensure that CivicRisk Mutual Limited is viable; and to ensure that the Board, Management Committee and any sub-committee operates in accordance with the constitution and rules for the membership period.

    Coastal and Flood Risk Management Advisory Committee

    Councillor Kellie Marsh
    Councillor Craig Ridding

    Alternate Delegate 
    Councillor Mitch Ellis

    Staff Representatives    
    Executive Director Infrastructure Services
    Executive Manager Technical and Recreation Services
    Other staff as directed/required

    Community Representatives
    Up to four (4) local community representatives

    As and when required at Shellharbour Civic Centre.


    The purpose of the Coastal and Flood Risk Management Advisory Committee is to enable the community and other stakeholders the opportunity to provide input, feedback, advice and support to Council on the development and implementation of Council’s Coastal Management Program (CMP) for Shellharbour’s Open Coast and Elliott Lake and Council’s flood program for the Shellharbour Local Government Area (LGA).

    The Committee will provide a link to the local community, facilitating broader community consultation and participation through informing and liaising with member community groups, and assist Council in identifying significant issues in regard to coastal management and flood risk in Shellharbour.

    The committee does not have the power to incur expenditure, or the power to bind Council.

    * Previously known as Coastal Management Advisory Committee. Combined with Flood Risk Management Advisory Committee via Council Resolution on 26 September 2023. 

    Community and Australia Day Awards Committee

    All Councillors

    Staff Representatives    
    Staff representatives as delegated by the Chief Executive Officer

    Meet as required.


    The Community and Australia Day Awards Advisory Committee plays an important role in promoting and encouraging nominations for the Shellharbour Community and Australia Day Awards. The Committee are responsible for carefully considering all nominations to determine the well-deserved recipients in each category.

    • Citizen of the Year – Celebrating an exceptional individual whose dedication and service have made a lasting impact on the local community.
    • Young Citizen of the Year – Recognising a young leader (under 25) who has demonstrated remarkable community involvement and a passion for positive change.
    • Athlete of the Year – Honouring a sportsperson who has achieved outstanding sporting success and inspired others through their dedication and sportsmanship.
    • Young Athlete of the Year – Acknowledging a young sportsperson (under 25) who has shown remarkable promise and commitment in their sporting pursuits.
    • Service to Sports – Awarding an individual or group that has made an outstanding contribution to sports through coaching, administration, or volunteer efforts.
    • Community Group of the Year – Recognising a group or organisation whose efforts have significantly enhanced the wellbeing and cohesion of the local community.
    • Community Capacity Builder – An individual who has significantly contributed to positive social, cultural and/or economic change in the community.
    • Volunteer of the Year – An individual who has demonstrated incredible dedication, effort and community service for a local non-for-profit organisation, community group or other entity in a volunteer capacity.
    • Outstanding Contribution to the Arts – Celebrating an individual or group that has made a significant and lasting impact on the arts and creative community.
    • Outstanding Contribution to Diversity & Inclusion – Recognising efforts that have fostered inclusivity and promoted diversity, ensuring equal opportunities for all members of the community.

    The committee will consider all nominations and assess each nomination using the Community and Australia Day Award nomination criteria. Awards are to be presented to recipients at the Community and Australia Day Awards presentation. The format of the award presentation is determined by the Chief Executive Officer in consultation with the Mayor.

    Country Mayors Association of NSW

    Mayor Chris Homer

    Deputy Mayor Kellie Marsh

    Country councils outside the Greater Sydney area, Newcastle and Wollongong metropolitan areas. 


    To further the interests of rural and regional councils by advocating and lobbying on relevant State and National issues by working with State and Federal Governments and other appropriate organisations to further the interests of members and to act as an information sharing forum.

    External Contact

    Gary Fry Secretariat | Admin@nswcountrymayors.com.au

    Disability Access and Inclusion Advisory Committee

    Councillor Moira Hamilton

    Councillor Kellie Marsh

    Community Representatives

    A total of up to eight (8) Community Representatives, including:

    •  A minimum of four (4) places for Shellharbour residents with disabilities,
    •  Two (2) places will be considered for carers of Shellharbour residents with disabilities

    Staff Representatives
    Executive Director Community and Culture
    Executive Manager Community and Creative Services
    Other staff as directed/required

    Up to five (5) meetings to be held per year.

    Shellharbour City Council is committed to creating a city where all residents can live, work and play.

    The Disability Access and Inclusion Advisory Committee is responsible for ensuring that Council is responsive to the diverse needs of the community and gives a voice to people within the community affected by access and inclusion. The committee will advocate and provide advice and priorities to maximise opportunities for people with a disability living or visiting the City.

    The committee also has a critical role in providing advice on the implementation and monitoring of the Disability Access and Inclusion Plan (DAIP).

    The DAIP defines Council’s strategic direction for enhancing the accessibility and inclusiveness of the City for all residents.

    Illawarra Academy of Sport Board of Management - Mayoral

    Council Representative 
    Mayor Chris Homer (or Mayor's representative Mr Brian Weir)

    Bi-monthly, at ISJO Council venues

    As the pioneer for the regional Academy model in Australian sport, the Illawarra Academy of Sport is a not-for-profit sporting organisation that exists to provide localised training and education opportunities for talented young athletes, coaches and adminsitraiors across the Illawarra region.

    Illawarra District Weeds Authority

    Accountable to
    Joint Committee of Wollongong, Kiama and Shellharbour Councils.

    Council Delegate
    The CEO to delegate a staff member

    Staff Representative
    Executive Director Infrastructure Services
    Executive Manager Works and Services
    Other staff as directed/required

    IDWA meetings are held quarterly, generally on a Friday at 12 pm (to coincide with SCG) (Technical Advisory Committee meets when advised at rotating Councils)

    To control noxious weeds through suppression and destruction within the Local Government areas of Wollongong, Shellharbour and Kiama. The IDWA has delegated authority from Wollongong, Shellharbour and Kiama Councils to carry out local control authority functions under the Biosecurity Act 2015. It also represents these councils on the South East Regional Weeds Committee.

    Illawarra Regional Bushfire Management Committee

    Responsible to
    NSW Rural Fire Service

    Council Delegate
    Councillor Kellie Marsh

    Alternate Delegate
    Councillor Lou Stefanovski
    Councillor Kane Murphy

    Staff Representatives
    Executive Director Infrastructure Services
    Executive Manager Works and Services
    Other staff as directed/required

    Fuel Management Subcommittee
    As directed/required

    Rural Fire Service Representatives
    Illawarra RFS Manager


    To provide a forum through which a broad cross-section of Government and non Government organisations with an interest in the prevention, mitigation and suppression of bush fires can come together to develop and progress policies and procedures aimed at ensuring a coordinated, agreed approach to major issues.

    Illawarra Shoalhaven Joint Organisation (ISJO)

    Council Delegates

    Mayor Chris Homer
    Deputy Mayor Kellie Marsh

    Staff Representative
    Chief Executive Officer

    Government Representatives
    The NSW Government, as represented by a nominee of the Regional Director-Illawarra Shoalhaven, Department of Regional NSW.

    The Board will meet at least once in each quarter on such date, place and time as the Board decides.

    Member councils of the ISJO are Wollongong, Shellharbour, Kiama and Shoalhaven. Each member council has two (2) representatives on the ISJO, one being the Mayor of that council or Mayoral delegate; the second position will be determined by each Council.

    The principal functions of the ISJO are to:
    •    Establish strategic regional priorities for the joint organisation area and develop strategies and plans for delivering these priorities
    •    Provide regional leadership for the joint organisation area and to be an advocate for strategic regional priorities
    •    Identify and take up opportunities for intergovernmental cooperation on matters relating to the joint organisation area

    Other functions of the ISJO include:
    •    Enhancing strategic capacity, to support member councils to deliver services to their communities
    •    Service delivery, to provide services directly to communities within the region

    Illawarra Zone Rural Fire Service Liaison Committee

    Councillor Kellie Marsh    

    Alternate Delegate
    Councillor Lou Stefanovski
    Councillor Kane Murphy

    Other Representatives
    SCC Management Representative (Executive Director Infrastructure Services or Staff Liaison Officer as delegated/required)
    KMC Council Representative
    WCC Council Representative

    Rural Fire Service Representatives
    NSW RFS Regional Manager
    Illawarra RFS Manager
    RFS Volunteer Member

    Every 6 months

    This committee reviews the performance criteria set out in the Illawarra Zone RFS Management Plan. The Executive Director Infrastructure Services reports to the Rural Fires Service Commissioner on issues of unsatisfactory performance. 


    Rural Fire Service

    Lake Illawarra Coastal Management Program Implementation Group

    Responsible to
    Joint committee of Wollongong and Shellharbour City Councils

    Mayor Chris Homer
    Councillor Lou Stefanovski

    Staff Representatives
    Executive Director Infrastructure Services
    Executive Manager Technical and Recreation Services
    Other staff as directed/required

    Community Representatives
    Two community members from each local government area.
    Two Aboriginal community representatives. One nominated by the Shellharbour City Council Aboriginal Advisory Committee and one nominated by the Wollongong City Council Aboriginal Reference Group.
    One independent scientific advisor.

    State Government Agency Representatives
    Department of Planning, Industry and Environment (DPIE)
    Government Property NSW
    Department of Primary Industries (Fisheries)
    Transport for NSW
    South East Local Land Services
    Sydney Water
    Illawarra Local Aboriginal Lands Council

    At least four times a year for ordinary meetings.

    This group is to oversee and where needed, provide advice on the implementation of actions within the Lake Illawarra Coastal Management Program. It will act as a platform for relationship building between all stakeholders, with the shared aspiration to ensure that Lake Illawarra’s ecological, social and economic value is maintained and improved now and into the future.

    NSW Public Libraries Association (NSWPLA)

    Accountable to
    NSW Public Libraries Association Executive

    Council Delegate
    The CEO to delegate a staff member

    Staff Representatives
    Executive Director Community and Culture
    Executive Manager Community and Creative Services
    Other staff as directed/required

    Up to three (3) times per year or as required at various locations across NSW.

    NSW Public Libraries Association represents the interests of public libraries and their users throughout the state.  

    The Association has a vital interest in improving library services and access to information resources for all people in New South Wales through a range of initiatives, joint ventures and partnerships. Its work includes making representation to all levels of government and other bodies on matters of concern for public libraries.

    As a member of NSWPLA, Council is entitled to have a Councillor delegate to the association, attending zone and association meetings.  The AGM of the South-East Zone of the association is usually held between August and October and the NSW Public Libraries Association AGM in November.

    Regional Development Australia (Illawarra)

    Council Delegate 
    WCC Representative
    KMC Representative
    (No councillor delegate is required)

    Regional Development Australia (RDA) is an Australian Government initiative that brings together all levels of government to support growth and development of regional Australia. RDA is delivered through a national network of 55 committees who build partnerships between governments, regional development organisations, local businesses, community groups to provide strategic responses to social, economic and environmental issues affecting regional Australia. Each RDA committee contains members from local government.

    Shell Cove Advisory Panel

    Councillor Representatives
    [No Councillor delegates required on this panel]

    Staff Representatives
    Executive Director Business Enterprises and Executive Manager Commercial Enterprises 

    As and when required

    The Shell Cove Advisory Panel was endorsed at Council’s 8 June 2021 meeting and will provide strategic advice to support Council in decisions relating to investment of Shell Cove profits and operational business performance.

    South Coast Arts Partnership

    Responsible to: South Coast Arts (NSW) Inc., Shoalhaven City Council, Kiama Municipal Council and Shellharbour City Council

    Councillor Delegate:
    Councillor Robert Petreski

    Staff Representatives
    Executive Director Community and Culture
    Executive Manager Community and Creative Services
    Other staff as directed/required

    The South Coast Arts Executive Director will organise scheduled (2 times per year) meetings with senior Council representatives for planning and reporting purposes. 
    •    All meetings will be chaired by the Executive Director of South Coast Arts. 
    •    Meeting agendas and minutes will be provided by the Executive Director of South Coast Arts. 
    •    Meetings will be held as determined, with location of meetings on a rotating basis across the region. 
    •    If required, subgroup meetings will be arranged outside of these times at a time convenient to subgroup members. 

    Key to achieving outcomes will be a commitment to the following objectives: 
    1.    Identify and respond to issues that are of a regional nature i.e., the partnership will offer opportunity for regional south coast advocacy, strategic planning and implementation. 
    2.    Build a dynamic relationship between our population centres. 
    3.    Work within the NSW Government framework/policy. 
    4.    Establish partnership and collaborative arrangements; and 
    5.    Inter-governmental collaboration. 

    In order to develop a meaningful partnership, time needs to be dedicated to developing a model that works for all parties and their communities and ensures key outcomes are achieved.

    Southern Joint Regional Planning Panel

    Accountable to
    Department of Planning, Industry & Infrastructure

    Council Delegates
    Mayor Chris Homer

    Community Representative
    Mr Graham Rollinson – External Planning Consultant

    Staff Representatives
    Executive Director Planning and Environment
    Executive Manager Statutory Planning and Certification
    Other staff as directed/required

    As required

    The principal function of Southern Regional Planning Panel is to:
    •    determine regionally significant development applications (DAs), certain other DAs and s4.55(2) and s4.56 modification applications
    •    act as the Planning Proposal Authority (PPA) when directed
    •    undertake rezoning reviews
    •    provide advice on other planning and development matters when requested
    •    determine site compatibility certificates under the State Environmental Planning Policy (Housing for Seniors or People with a Disability) 2004.

    Traffic Committee

    Responsible to: Transport for NSW (formerly Roads & Maritime Services)

    Councillor John Davey

    Alternative Delegate
    Councillor Mitch Ellis

    Local Member Representatives
    Member for Kiama or representative
    Member for Shellharbour or representative
    Police Local Area Command
    Transport for NSW
    Local Bus Operators

    Staff Attending
    Executive Director Infrastructure Services
    Executive Manager Technical and Recreation Services
    Other staff as directed/required

    First Wednesday of every month commencing at 9.30 am at Shellharbour Civic Centre (except January and July).

    The Shellharbour Traffic Committee is not a Committee of Shellharbour City Council however a Technical Committee of Transport for NSW.

    The Committee operates under the authority conferred to Council by Transport NSW under the Transport Administration Act 1988, and in accordance with the powers delegated to Council by the Road Transport Act 2013 and Roads Act 1993, as outlined in the Transport NSW documents ‘A guide to the Delegation to Councils for the Regulation of Traffic’.

    The Shellharbour Traffic Committee can make recommendations, and provide advice, to Council on only the following traffic related matters:

    • The installation of traffic control devices and traffic management facilities – such as signs, markings, structures or other devices to direct or warn traffic on a road or road related area.
    • The installation of regulatory parking – including truck zones, loading zones, taxi stands, bus zones and mobility parking spaces.
    • The implementation of road closures, local area traffic management schemes and residential preferential parking schemes.

    This Committee considers all matters pertaining to the provision of traffic management facilities in the Shellharbour local government area.  This Committee makes recommendations to Council.  Should Council disagree with a decision of this Committee, then the matter is referred to the Transport for NSW.

    Last updated : Thu 7 Dec 2023