After a recent explosion inside a shipping container located on a local residential property, Shellharbour City Council reminds residents of shipping container policies.
• The State Environmental Planning Policy (Exempt and Complying Development Codes) 2008 outlines the circumstances when a shipping container is permitted.
- Shipping containers are not permitted on residential property as a permanent structure.
- Temporary shipping containers are only accepted as temporary builder’s structures (e.g. site shed, office or associated amenities) on-site at approved developments. The shipping container must be removed immediately after completion of the approved development.
- Shipping containers may not be used for specific developments that would usually be exempt or comply with the SEPP such as cabanas, cubby houses, garden sheds, gazebos, and greenhouses.
• Council can grant consent for sporting clubs, sporting associations, community groups, and the general public to use shipping containers on Council Land including operational land, community land, reserves, and sports fields.
For further enquiries please contact Application Team on (02) 4221 6111.