Cultural Diversity Framework and Policy
Recognising cultural diversity is an important part of our role in the planning and delivery of services and facilities to the Shellharbour community. Our Cultural Diversity Policy and Framework aims to ensure that we effectively engage and communicate with our culturally diverse community. It provides a statement of our commitment to deliver culturally responsive services, facilities and programs and strives to reduce the barriers experienced by culturally diverse residents.
Interpretive services
We are committed to ensuring information and services to our multicultural community. We have staff who may be able to assist with interpreting languages from a culturally diverse background, however if a staff member is not available, or the issue is complex, please contact the Translating and Interpreting Service on 131 450.
The National Relay Service (NRS) is also available for people who are deaf or have a hearing or speech impairment. It is also available to anyone who wants to call a person with a hearing or speech impairment. The NRS can be contacted by calling 133 677.