Booking a Sportsfields

Sportsfields and associated facilities can be booked on a casual or seasonal basis.

Fees and charges apply. Bookings and allocations of sportsfields and facilities will be in accordance with our User and Sporting Facilities Information and Guidelines.

Applications for the use of Council's Sportsfields

Applications are now open for the use of sports grounds for Community Sport (training and competition) for the period 01/10/2024 - 31/3/2025 for: 

 - 2024/2025 Summer Sporting Season
 - 2024/2025 Summer Pre-Season Training and Competition  

Application submissions will close at 4pm on Friday 9 August 2024. 

You will need to have copies of the following documentation on hand in order to complete the online application 
1. Public Liability Insurance - Certificate of Currency [CoC]; and 
2. Approved Liquor License (if applicable)
Please ensure you have the above information ready PRIOR to commencing your application, as you will not be able to save and come back to your application once you have started. 
In addition, Council is unable to accept or finalise your application until any outstanding fees and charges from previous season(s) for your Club, Association or Organisation are paid. To confirm if you have any outstanding fees and charges, please contact the Sportsfields team on (02) 4221 6111 or email prior to commencing your online form. 

 Please click the link below to access the online application form:

You will be required to complete an application for each sport ground.  Any pre-season applications will also need to be submitted as a separate application.  

The online form has the ability for you to opt to receive an email of your completed application, or you can also print the completed application for your records. 

If you have received this email and are no longer a member of the Club’s committee, can you please forward to the relevant person and inform Council so that Council’s records can be updated.  

Should you require any assistance, please contact the Sportsfields team on (02) 4221 6111. 

Last updated : Fri 26 Jul 2024