If you are not satisfied with Council's decision , a request for a review of the determination can be addressed in writing within 6 months from the date of the original request.
NOTE: If a request for review is lodged this does not automatically grant approval
Any review must be supported by relevant documentation from an appropriately qualified consultant such as an arborist, building/structural engineer or plumbers report depending on the reasons for this request. Your request for review may be declined in the absence of such documentation.
How do I make a request to review a tree removal decision?
For all requests relating to a review of a tree enquiry decision please contact us by lodging a report online request here, calling (02) 4221 6111 or by emailing council@shellharbour.nsw.gov.au.
You will need to include further information such as an arborist, plumber, engineer's report to support your appeal.
Reviews must be lodged within 6 months of the original determination date.