Planning controls at Calderwood
In January 2011 the NSW State Government declared an area of land at Calderwood to be a State Significant Site. As a result, this area is excluded from the Shellharbour Local Environmental Plan (LEP) 2013 and is now covered by State Environmental Planning Policy (Precinct - Regional) 2021.
The planning controls for Calderwood can be found in the Calderwood Development Control Plan, which replaces our comprehensive Development Control Plan (DCP) for the project area.
Calderwood background information
The Calderwood Urban Development Project is a Part 3A Approved Development of approximately 700 hectares of rural lands to the north-west of Albion Park. The site spans both the Shellharbour (593 hectares) and Wollongong (107 hectares) Local Government Areas.
In 2010 the NSW State Government granted the Calderwood Urban Development Project Concept Plan for the development of approximately 4,800 residential dwellings, 50 hectares of mixed-use land, open space, environmental lands, internal roads, service infrastructure and community facilities. The plan also established general principles for local infrastructure requirements.
There are currently eleven Planning Agreements that apply to the Calderwood Urban Development Project.
• Shellharbour City Council has three Agreements which covers the provision of local infrastructure for the development and includes both physical provision of infrastructure and the payment of monetary contributions.
• Wollongong City Council has four Agreements, details of which can be found in Wollongong City Council’s Voluntary Planning Agreements Register.
• The remaining four Agreements are between the Minister for Planning and various developers, including Lendlease for the provision of State infrastructure. Details of these Agreements can be found in the NSW Department of Planning & Environment Voluntary Planning Agreements Register.
In 2013 the Land & Environment Court upheld an appeal by Lend Lease against the refusal of the Stage 1 Project Application, and development consent was granted for 231 residential lots, 9 residue lots and associated works. The court determined the Stage 1 local infrastructure contributions, which included a monetary contribution to both Shellharbour and Wollongong Council, on-site works and land dedications. Subsequent stages have been assessed and determined by Council with contributions imposed in accordance with the Planning Agreements.