On completion of physical works, prior to asset handover and issue of a Subdivision Certificate, the “Work-as-Executed” (also known as: As-Constructed” or “As-Built”) bundle of information must be provided to Council.  This information and engineering data is used to confirm the quality of works, indicate relative asset locations and alignments (survey) while also noting other approved changes in asset types or construction details that may have occurred during the construction phase when compared to the originally approved design.
The final “Work-as-Executed” (WAE) drawings, reports and digital data should accurately reflect material types, specifications and other asset-specific information.  The WAE package will routinely include:
1.     Marked up and red-lined council-approved plans depicting all new civil infrastructure and assets
2.     An accompanying compliant ADAC XML Digital File
3.     Other reports and information provided in accordance with the relevant approval(s)


Work as Executed (WAE) Drawings

The presentation and content of WAE drawing submissions are to be completed in accordance with Council’s Engineering Design Code which can be found here.
Final WAE drawings are to be provided to Council in both CAD (.dwg) and PDF file formats being printable to A3 size.  Plans are to be clearly marked up (red-lined) showing all variations from design including changes to levels, alignments and material types.  Drawings are to be clearly stamped “Work as Executed” and noted as the WAE version in the revision title block.
Signed Certifications are to be completed on each and all pages of the submitted drawings by the Registered Surveyor certifying the locational accuracy with regard to physical features and assets, cadastral information, contours, levels and the applicable survey datum information.


ADAC (Asset Design As Constructed) XML Files

A compliant ADAC XML file is required to be submitted as an accompaniment to the WAE drawings and bundle of supporting information. The ADAC XML data must align with the corresponding WAE drawing(s). The file is to be e-mailed to council@shellharbour.nsw.gov.au noting the relevant Development Application and Construction Certificate numbers.
On acceptance of the WAE bundle of information, Council will undertake data format and conformance checks on the ADAC XML file to confirm validity and completeness with the accompanying WAE drawings.  Should significant anomalies, errors or missing information be identified during these checks, the files will be returned to the provider for correction and resubmission, potentially delaying the issue of Certificates and acceptance of assets.
Further information and relevant guidelines on preparing compliant ADAC XML files can be found in the Helpful documents below.


Last updated : Thu 28 May 2020